The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 2

The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 2 
It is the largest and most perfect pyramid in Egypt and considered to be one of the 7 wonders of the world. 
  • it was built by king Cheops under the supervision of Heminu the overseer of all the kings work .
  • King Cheops was son of king Snefru .
  • His mother queen was Hetp- Hers .
  • And his wife queen was Merrytites, he reigned for about 23 years .
  • It is said that the pyramid was 20 years in the making and the work continuous with groups of hundreds of men at time working for 3 months a year and 2,300,000 blocks of stone were used for building this pyramid.
  • He weight of each of these stones various between 2 and half tons to 15 tons .
  • The  pyramid was built of localstoone and cased with Tura limestone .
  • According to Herodtus , the outer faces of the pyramid were covered by Hieroglyphic texts fortunately , the outer casing has now almost is  appeared except for a few blocks of this casing still remaing in their original places at the base of the northern side .
  • 6- in the middle king Dom , the blocks of the outer casing were used for building houses , bridges , walls and other building .
  • 7- the kings of the 26th dynasty showed great respect to the pyramid and its complex .
  • Its temples were provided with priests in order to resume the religious service for the king.
  • 8- In the Roman  period , the pyramid was open to visitors .
  • 9- the pyramid was built on an almost square plan , it is now 137 m high but was originally 140 m high .
  • Each side once measured 230 m but due to the loss of casing blocks , they are now only 227 m
  • The angles of the sides were 51 
  • The enterance of the pyramid is situate in the northern side at the height of 16.5 m above the ground which Is now located .
  • Another enterance was cut below the original enterance in the 9th century A.D known as El- Maamum hole 
  • There are 3 chambers within the pyramid 
  • Inside the built section and underlying the structure.
  • These are thought to make changes in the plan of the whole building . 
The development of the royal tomb from The predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom تطور المقبرة الملكية من قبل الأسرات إلى الدولة الوسطى
The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 4