Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun [ the 4 shrines ] part 7

The first shrine –
It’s made out of wood gessoed and gilded with blue faience and it’s decorated with cavetto cornice .
The walls and the double slopping roof bears a close , it resembles to the pavilion .
– the most famous signs dd pillar symbol of God Osiris and the T yet knote of goddess Isis .
– on every leaf of the double door there is rectangular panel which has a representation on it on the 1 st one there is a divinity holding the ankh sign with the turned up beard , he wears a headdress consisting of 2 plumes, sun disk , 2 ram horns .
2 wd , ot eyes are represented to link the deceased with the
outer world of living .
– ( on the other leaf ) there is pawless and headless leonine creature is may indicate that the wild animals that ancient Egyptians were afraid of during their lifetime were represented like that to avoid their harm in the hereafter.
– ( inside the shrines ) there are spells from the book of the dead and extracts from the book of the divine cow , legend of the destruction of the mankind .
When shrine was opened wooden frame gessoed and gilded was found in between the outermost and the 2 nd shrine over this , there was a dark brown line poll decorated with rosettes made out of gilded bronze.
It’s said that this dark linen with rosettes represents the night sky with stars .
– ( the second shrine )
It takes the pr-wr shape of upper Egyptian shrine of goddess nekhbt .
On the rear part we can see goddess Isis and Nephtis outstretching their wings .
On one leaf of the double door , the king is represented between goddess Isis and God Osiris .
– [ on my other leaf ] the king is represented wearing the 2 plumes , sun desk and the 2 ram horns and is being presented by M3et the falcon headed god .
There is a woman breathing fire to the sun disk and poor water to the serpent.
As we could see the whole scene is fire to the sun .
So they believed that the sun wouldn’t go down in the other world to gain power and collect energy in order to reborn again in the following morning .
– There is a figure in the middle whose name is [ he who hides Horus ] his head and feet surrounded by serpent inside his belly there is a disk with ran headed bird as an indication of the night sun .
There are divinities holding ropes connected with the disease
in the belly of the figure , they are trying to pull the sun out of the belly as indication to rebirth .
– There is a ram head over stand is indication to the head of Re.
– There is a Jackal over a stand as

The Ceremonial Chair
The Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun [ the 4 shrines ] part 8