Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun ( the fan ) supplemented

(The Fan ( supplemented

They especially had chosen the ostrich feather because they    found that hair on the left hand side of the feather is equal to that on the right hand side.

– Thus this feather was considered as a sign of truth and equivalence and that’s why it was chosen as sign of goddess Ma3t goddess of truth , justice .

– They used to bring the ostrich feathers from the dead of Memphis , Heliopolis as the king was fond of hunting.

– The handle is made of ivory .

It takes a perpendicular shape or right – angled steps in order to minimize the effort made by the king which fanning for himself.

The handle is decorated at the end with a papyrus unique and at the top with representation of lotus flower above the flower, there is a semi- circular shapes having the 2 cartouches of the king .

-God Amun 

The birth name : S3R ( the living image of the coronation name : nswt bity [ the lord of the forms of god Re ] .

The 4 large shrines 

Discovery : These shrines were placed in the burial chamber .

When they dismantled the outer most shrine the 2nd shrine came to sight then 3rd one , then the inner most shrine , the technique of the arrangement of these shrines reminds us with the Chinese boxes or Russian dolls , each one is fitting inside the other.

– Inside the inner most shrines a Sarcophagus of quartz was found with a lid of granite on its corners the 4 protective goddess Isis , Nephthys , Serket and Neith were sculpted in heigh relief .

– Inside the Sarcophagus 3 anthropoid coffins were found the outer 2 were made out of gilded wood the 3rd is made of pure gold inside it the mummy was found with the mask over the head .

What is the function of the 4 shrines ?

These shrines are the only ones discovered so far in Egypt , they probably were used to replace the long corridors normally found in the 18th 19 th dynasties tombs on the walls of which inscriptions and scenes were depicted the tomb of Tutankhamen was too small , to contain all the inscriptions and representations required or needed to guarantee the protection or the safety of the king or the deceased in the under world most probably the royal Sarcophagus especially dating to the period is caused in a similar way with shrines.

These shrines were made out of wood , then a layer of plaster was added while it was still wet sheets of gold were added , the shape of each shrine is symbolic .

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The Ceremonial Chair