The Mastaba of Meriruka

The Mastaba of Meriruka
3- It is the largest tomb in the area 40 m by 24 with a surface area of 1000 square Metres .
4- It contains 31 rooms and probably is a copy of Meriruka’s princely palace.
5- It is divided into 3 parts 
1- Apartment for the owner 2- for his wife 
Hert- watetkhet and 3- for their 2 sons .
6- The walls of the tombs are painted with scenes depicting everyday life in Egypt , the professions , hunting , fishing and the animals of the Nile .
7- Meriruka is portrayed in many situations.
8- To the right of the entrance Meri is sitting at an easel in one hand he holds a shell containg paint in the other a pen .
He is painting the 3 seasons which are represented by gods .
9- At the wall of the enterance hunt scenes in the marshes the scene is full of fascinating details birds, fish a hippopotamus biting a crocodile which tries to bite a small hippo while a brutal crocodile is swallowing the fresh born hippopotamus . 
In the marshes we can also see a couple of birds defending their babies against a wild animal.
10- Meri and his wife in Papyrus ( sacred ) boat hunting birds 
In the left …….> Cattle being driven through a river notice , the Calf on the front of the group .
Cattle thrown to the ground for slaughter 
Notice : The accurately observed attitudes of the other Cattle , this ox is showing big resistance.
11- Men are hunting hippopotamus with harpoons .
12- Goldsmiths making necklaces, Melting of gold scales , Carpenters making beds .
13- The estate office : 
It is a hall with columns in which the clerks sit while the village elders are dragged in to pay their taxes .

Notice: The columns where the clerks sit of course , they got a great privilage , that is why they sit in shade while all others outside under the sun .

Some of the village elders being cudgelled while one is stripped tied to a-post and beaten.
13- Fishermen, Meri’s stout brother in a boat drinking from a cup and his wife who is playing harp sitting on a large couch with lion’s feet .

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