The pyramid of Khafre ( chefren)

Some mistakenly believe that Napoleons’s soldiers destroyed it .
Many Egyptologists give credence the story written by the Arab historian El Makrizi that a Sufi named Saem-el-Dahr who lived in the 9th century A.D damaged it to show the people that the Sphinx was just a stone statue not the sacred object they thought it was.
During the 18th dynasty ……. 1000 years after its construction , the desert sand covered the Sphinx.
The Tuthmosis IV cleared sand from the statue

 pyramid of Khafre ( chefre)

Ancient name : Khafre 
Original height : 143.4 M 
Current height : 136.2 M 
Length of side: 215.2 M 
              Angle : 5o – 20 
Burial chamber: 2 
Who was Khafre ?
1- After Khufu’s death, his son Djedfre , ruled for only 8 years and constructed his pyramid at Abu Rawash about 5 miles north of the Giza plateau.
2- His successor , Khafre , another son of Khufu , known as chefren and his mother queen Henutsen .
3- He built his pyramid complex south west of his father Khufu’s complex .
4- It is also known as the second pyramid and is somewhat smaller than the pyramid of Khufu .
5- Never the less , because it was built in a slightly more elevated position and its faces are more inclined .
It gives the impression of being the largest of the pyramids of Giza .
6- The pyramid complex of Khafre is the most complete old kingdom complex . 

It is identified with Khafre through statues and inscriptions found in the valley temple and reliefs from the funerary Temple.
8- First opened in modern times in 1818 .

9- It is the only pyramid which still retains a part of original covering of Tura limestone , which can be seen near its apex .


Giza plateau part 6
The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinus