Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun part 2

Who Was Anubis ?

  • God Anubis was believed to be the son of Goddess Nephthys from God Osiris , and Goddess Nephthys was afraid from Syt , So she deserted Anubis and he was then adopted by goddess Isis and later one he helped her in the mummification God Osiris .
  • Where, when did Anubis appear ?
  • – God Anubis appeared several times in the scenes , the book of the dead , and the most important is the scene of the last Judgement where he led the mummy to the hall of Osiris and he together with Osiris were watching the cermony of weighing the heart of the deceased.
  • – Also was seen to stand by the funerary bed with one hand upon the mummy and with the other hand he is holding Ankh sign .
  • Also later on you can see the priests who were performing the ritual of the opening the mouth , they were wearing the mask of God Anubis.
  • – His main cult center is in Ben of the Mini Shrine, the city of the dog ,( cynopolis) by Greeks , which was the capital of the 17th nome in Upper Egypt, which was the capital, as the dog is very similar to the Jackel in shape .
  •                   Description of the statue of Anubis
  • 1- This statue was found inside the treasury room facade  the burial chamber as if he guards it .
  • – It represents Anubis as a black Jackal resting a chest , the chest is carried on a sledge.
  • – the statue is made of wood, but the ears , the scarf round the neck and the collar are gilded .
  • -The eyes are also made of gold with a calcite and abs idiom.
  • – Anubis is resting on a chest or shrine made of gilded wood , it was contained some clothes that were worn for festivals .
  •                                                       His names and titles 
  • 1- He who is upon his mountain.
  • 2- He who is in front of the divine booth.
  • 3- who is the embalming city .
  • 4- The lord of the sacred land .
  •                                                         The three couches 
  • -Place of discovery: These three couches were placed along the wall of the antechamber of the tomb of king Tut facing the burial chamber , opposite of the enterance of the tomb.
  • – shape or form : These 3 couches take the form of 3 sacred animals, a cow , a lioness and in the middle between both we ( find ahead of hippopotamus ( crocodile body) part of tail of a lion paws .
  • – they aren’t unique: this is not the first time to find these couches or beds in the tombs of the new kingdom despite the fact that the only discovered ones up till now are those king Tut .
  • There are evidences that in the Tomb of king , there are couches which take the form of a cow , a hippopotamus also on the walls . 
Mastaba of Ti part 2
Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun Part 4