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Canopic Shrine Of Tut Ankh Amun

The Ceremonial Chair It is made out of wood and ornamented with precious semi precious stones . In some parts it is inlaid with ivory , ebony . - At the top of the chair we could see the solar disk under it 2 cartouches inscriped inside them the nsw...

Statues of queen

Egypt Is a wonderful place

Egyptian museum

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Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun Part 4

Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun  This goddess is ready to devour the heart of the deceased once failed to prove that he is not guilty in the judgment court so one of he titles is that she who devours the dead .- As we can see the head of this couch is...

Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun Part 1

Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun  It consists of 2 parts outer part & inner part  -The outer part                           Consists of 4 corners posts surrounded by a cavetto  cornice , frieze of Cob Solar disk inlaid with faience and...

Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun part 2

Who Was Anubis ? God Anubis was believed to be the son of Goddess Nephthys from God Osiris , and Goddess Nephthys was afraid from Syt , So she deserted Anubis and he was then adopted by goddess Isis and later one he helped her in the mummification God Osiris...