التصنيف: News

Mastaba of Ti part 2

Mastaba of Ti 10- Cattle returning from pasturage in the delta are driven through the water , in front herdsman carring a young calf on his shoulders .11- Ti on a Papyrus watching hunting and fishing.12- Ti sailing through the marshes in a papyrus boat in front of him another boat...

The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinus

The pyramid of Khafre ( chefren) . . 10- The burial chamber contains a great granite sarcophagus and its lid with no inscriptions or decorations and the signature of Belzoni dated March 2  1818 , the day of discovery The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinu Ancient Name: Menkaure is divine  Original...


Mummification1- Another characteristic element in Egyptian civilization that has stimulated the interest of scholars was , without doubt , the unusual method of preserving corpses and transforming them into mummies , a  Technique that was believed to be divine in origin and was traced back to Horus , the son of...

Cheops boat

Cheops boat  1- The discovery of the Cheops boat considers as one of the most important archaeological finds in Egypt, in the world and this is the most ancient vessel found in perfect condition anywhere in the world. 2- The boat was not only a means of transportation or an...

The Great Sphinx part 2

Dream stela  1- A granite stela weighing 15 tones and 3.5 m tall . 2- located between the front paws of the Sphinx. 3- erected by Thutmose IV , 18th dynasty and dated to the first year of his reign.  4- This commemorates his accession to the Throne and tells...

The pyramid of Khafre ( chefren)

Some mistakenly believe that Napoleons’s soldiers destroyed it . Many Egyptologists give credence the story written by the Arab historian El Makrizi that a Sufi named Saem-el-Dahr who lived in the 9th century A.D damaged it to show the people that the Sphinx was just a stone statue not the...