التصنيف: News

The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 2

The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 2 It is the largest and most perfect pyramid in Egypt and considered to be one of the 7 wonders of the world.  it was built by king Cheops under the supervision of Heminu the overseer of all the kings work .King Cheops was...

Giza plateau part 3

The first plan الخطة الأولى The enterance leads to the descending corridor measure 120 M long .Runs first through the core of the pyramid and then through the natural rock ,it leads to the first burial chamber , this chamber was cut in the natural rock and never finished .Its walls...


Serapeum 1- Located to the north east of the step pyramid.2- The Serapeum was formed by a long underground gallery with side chambers .3- Each containing an enormous granite Sarcophagus weighing a bout 60 tons where the bodies of mummified bulls were interred .4- These bulls were considered to be deities...

The tombs around the great pyramid المقابر حول الهرم الأكبر

الهرم الشمالي The tombs around the great pyramid 1- The first pyramid or the Northern pyramid probably belonged to the principal wife of king Cheops and his full sister Meritites .2- This pyramid should have built 20 m to the east of its present location but it was moved to the...

The development of the royal tomb from The predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom تطور المقبرة الملكية من قبل الأسرات إلى الدولة الوسطى

The development of the royal tomb fromThe predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom ————————————————-From the very beginning of the Egyptian history , the people believed in life after the death , so they did their best to preserve their bodies to help The soul of the deceased to recognise his body.As result...

The Mastaba of Meriruka

The Mastaba of Meriruka3- It is the largest tomb in the area 40 m by 24 with a surface area of 1000 square Metres .4- It contains 31 rooms and probably is a copy of Meriruka’s princely palace.5- It is divided into 3 parts 1- Apartment for the owner 2- for...