Cheops boat

Cheops boat 
1- The discovery of the Cheops boat considers as one of the most important archaeological finds in Egypt, in the world and this is the most ancient vessel found in perfect condition anywhere in the world.
2- The boat was not only a means of transportation or an instrument used in fishing and hunting , but was also and above all of symbolic importance.
3- It was the means of transportation of the gods .
The god Amun was led on his sacred boat during great religious processions and the sun god Ra himself travelled the heavens every day in what called “ the boat of the millions of years “ to ensure for humanity the balance of the seasons and ceaseless succession of day and night .
4- The pharaoh , the son of Ra followed his celestial destiny and thus needed a boat to navigate the heavens .
5- The boat was also used for funerary purposes to carry the pharaoh’s body in his pilgrimage to the holy places and from worldly a bode to his place of burial .
The description of the boat 
1- Cheops boat is fully 43.3 m long with of 5.6 m and a draft of only 1.5 M which made it suitable only for river navigation.
2- The boat has 2 cabins : A main Cabin about 9m long consists of 2 rooms 


The smaller about 2 M long in the front and the inner of the 2 ceiling is supported by 3 palm columns , and the cabin is surrounded by 36 columns shaped like tent-pegs .


3- A small front cabin which probably was for the captin propulsion was by means of 10 pairs of Oars , and steering through 2 large oar rudders located in the stern .


4- As there is no trace of a mast , it would have been impossible to use a sail .
Its prow and stern are in the form of papyrus reed boat perhaps dating back to the predynastic period another example of the Egyptian fondness for simulating their earliest reed structure in more durable materials .
The bark
On which the body of Cheops was transported a long the cause way toward his eternal resting , place .
It may also have a purely religious significance as the salar – bark on which the soul of the dead pharaoh journeyed to join the sun god Ra in his eternal celestial navigation.


The pyramid of Khafre ( chefren)
The boats around the great pyramid