Giza plateau part 1 هضبة الجيزة

  1. The development of the royal tomb from The predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom Part 2تطور المقبرة الملكية من قبل الأسرات إلى الدولة الوسطى

  2. King Unas 
  3. 1- The last king in the 5th dynasty started a new tradition by covering the interior walls of his pyramid at Saqqara with hieroglyphic texts known today as the pyramid texts .
  4. 2- They are funerary and religious spells and the main purpose is to help the dead king in the afterlife and his daily journey with the sun god .
  5. 3- After the collapse of the 6th dynasty and the old kingdom Egypt went through a very dark period of history known as the first intermediate period
  6. It includes 5 dynasties starting with the 7th dynasty and ending with 11th dynasty.

Giza plateau هضبة الجيزة 
1- Almost 5000 years ago, the Giza plateau on the West Bank of the Nile [ the region of the dead ] became the royal necropolis of Memphis , the capital of the pharaohs of the 4th dynasty.
2- The Giza site lies about 15 km west of modern Cairo, and covers an area of about 2000 m on the south west side , A 40 m cliff descends to where a channel of the Nile once ran marking the borderline between fertile land and the desert .
3- The site of Giza is the only one of the 7 wonders of the ancient World to have survived to our day , the others have long since disappeared destroyed by man and time .
4- Giza however still hosts the tombs of 3 pharaohs of the 4 dynasty ………..
The pyramids khufu , khafre and Menkaure and the sphinx [ the father of terror ] .

Who was Cheops 
  • The name of Cheops , the second king of the 4th dynasty is the derived Greek form of the ancient Egyptian khufu meaning he [ the god hknoum ] protect me .
  • We know very little of this pharaoh like wise 
  • He is the son of Sneferu 
  • He reigned for about 23 years .
The pyramid and Creation legend 
1- The word for pyramid in ancient Egyptian is Mer .
2- our word pyramid comes from the Greek pyramids “ wheaten cake “.
3- The Egyptian had a conical bread loaf called Ben.ben which also the word for the capstone of pyramid or the tip of an obelisk Ben.ben.
4- It is true that the pyramids are pharaonic tombs , but the tomb of a pharaonic of ancient Egypt was for more than just the grave of a king .
5- one of the hallmarks of the Egyptian state from its very beginning in the first dynasty was the tradition centred on  the king as an in carnation of the God Horus , whose totem was the falcon in his world of the ancient Egyptian.
6- The falcon Soared above all the other living creatures when an in carnation of Horus died , the god passed to the next reigning king .
7- physically , entombed within the pyramid, the dead king became identified with Osiris the divine father of Horus .
8- The pyramid complex was a temple complex of the Horus- Osiris, divinity emerged with the sun god in the central icon of the pyramid.
The development of the royal tomb from The predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom تطور المقبرة الملكية من قبل الأسرات إلى الدولة الوسطى
The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 4