Giza plateau part 6

How were the pyramids built? 
1- This question is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of ancient Egypt.
2- Most certainly, the stone was quarried , cut into blocks loaded onto sleds , runners or rollers and dragged to the pyramid construction site .
3- once there , however , there arose the problem of how to lift these gigantic stones ? 
The most highly , credited theory is by now involving ramps …….> wide inclined planes built of mud brick or sand that gradually increased in slope and height as the pyramid went up .
The ramp maybe have been straight and perpendicular to the pyramid, built up to one side of it and becoming narrower at the top and longest as the pyramid grew in height on the ramp may have been helicoidal , spiralling around the structure.
Herodotus wrote ………how a pyramid was built………
It was made after the manner of steps and when they had first made it thus … they raised the remaining stones with machines made of short pieces of timber , raising them first from the ground to the first stage of the steps and when the stone go up to this it was placed upon another machine standing on the first stage and so from this this it was drawn to the second upon another machine for as many as were the courses of the steps ………..
The machines 
1- obviously the machines were differently built according to the varing heights involved and the weights to lift for blocks for around 2 tons that had to be lifted to a height of 6 M .
2- A machine 8 m high at most might need not much more than half an hour, so that it would take a block 6 hours to be hoisted to a height of a 100 m with a series of machines on all sides.
A bout 200 blocks a day could then be unloaded on the uppermost work yard .
3- A series of machines was not required for the fairly limited number of blocks weighing 40 or 50 tons and 1 or 2 specially built pivoted levers sufficed aided by levers and counter weights like those used later to erect the obelisks .
4- These pivoted levers used for heavy loads would certainly have been of appropriate dimensions and beams of Lebanon cedar , like the masts os boats , measuring up to 50 m in length were employed.
Giza plateau part 3
The function of the pyramid part 7