The Great pyramid of king Cheops part 4

The third plan 
1- After the construction of the second burial chamber , the builders seem to have changed their plans again.
2- A hole was cut in the roof of ascending corridor leading to the grand gallery . The most impressive part of the construction of the pyramid.
It measures 47 m long and 8.5 high in the center with a corbeled roof similar to those in the internal chambers of the pyramids of Maydum and Dahshur.

3- 28 rectangular holes were cut on each side of the grand gallery perhaps for………..

Holding the ends of the wooden platform which the coffin of the king dragged .

4- The grand gallery leads to a horizontal narrow passage , it measure 8.4 m  long , its walls were lined with red granite.

5- Beyond this passage is the main burial chamber usually called “ the king’s chamber “ also lined with highly polished and granite slabs measuring 5.2 m by 10.8 m and 5.8 high .

6- The lidless sarcophagus of red Aswan granite was placed in the western end of the chamber .

7- there are 2 rectangular shafts cut in the north and south walls of the burial chamber about 1 m above the pavement level.

Both these shafts reach to the outer face of the pyramid their exact purpose is not certain.
Some scholars consider them as ventilation shafts while others think they have religious significance.
8- Above the burial chamber there are 5 rooms until in order to relieve the stress or the pressure of the weight of the pyramid on the roof of the kings chamber .
The Sarcophagus chamber 
king’s chamber
1- completely faced in blocks of pink granite .
2- The ceiling is composed of slabs each weighing over 400 tons .
3- on the west side of the chamber is the red granite sarcophagus of the king with no cover and no inscriptions .

4- Nothing was found inside it , neither Mummy nor ornaments.

5- Chambers designed to relieve the enormous pressure exerted by the overlying mass of the pyramid on the ceiling of the kings chamber . 

Giza plateau part 3
The function of the pyramid part 7