The Mastaba of Ti

The Mastaba of Ti
1- This is probably the finest tomb in the entire funerary complex.
2- Ti was a high court official and wealthy landowner of the early 5th dynasty .
Its mural reliefs are among the finest and best preserved of the old kingdom as well as the most interesting. 
3- we could call him a “ vip “ unique friend holder of secrets – head of the kings works , director of the pyramids of Nefer – Ka- Ra and Niuser-Ra these are only some of the inscriptions describing him in the tomb .
4- From the enterance a door on the right leads into a side room in which the colors of the reliefs are excellently preserved .
5- On the right hand wall Ti on the right receiving votive gifts ( flowers – cakes – poultry) .
6-  Offering table with votive offerings servants carrying offerings .
7- On the rear wall we can see potters , brewers and bakers .
Below A man measuring corn and scribes recording the quantity.
8- On the corridor between the side room and the main room there are nice reliefs of sailing boats.
9- Bulls are being slaughtered .
10- The main chapel 
To the left of the enterance, Ti sitting with his wife kneeling beside him watching harvest operations.
11- Ti sitting with his wife.
Notice : How she embraces his leg 
[ Ti’s wife Nefer Hotep ] 
12- Harvest operations 
1- farmers tie the sack which is full with cereals .
2- farmers load the sacks on the donkeys .
3- Cereals are being stored in a storeroom .
4- On the threshing floor donkeys and oxen are treading out the corn .
5- farmers control the donkeys to load the sacks on them .
Notice : The motion in the reliefs .
6- farmers load the sacks of grain on the donkeys.
7- Rams are driven over the newly sown ground to treat in the seed .
8- Tilling the ground ( one man plowing ) with 2 oxen while another spurs them on .
9- Tilling- Rams are driven over the newly sown ground to treat in the seed while to the right 3 men are hoeing .


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