The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinus

The pyramid of Khafre ( chefren)


10- The burial chamber contains a great granite sarcophagus and its lid with no inscriptions or decorations and the signature of Belzoni dated March 2

 1818 , the day of discovery

The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinu

Ancient Name: Menkaure is divine 
Original height : 66 M 
Current height : 65.5 M 
Length of side: 103.3 M 
Angle : 50 . 30 
Burial chamber: 2 
1- The pyramid of Menkaure , Khafre’s son and successor known to the Greek as Mycerinus is the smallest pyramid at Giza.
2- He reigned 30 years and it was opened in 1837 .
3- The pyramid is attributed to him through the discovery of his name in red ochre on the ceiling of the burial chamber is one of the subsidiary pyramid as well as through inscribed artifacts found in the area.
4- The lower part of the pyramid is made of blocks of red Aswan granite.
5- The enterance to the pyramid on the north face about 4 M above ground level .
6- Menkaure’s burial chamber is completely structured unlike those of Cheops and Khafre .
This fact reflects a series of transformation that could only have been made during the course of the work .
7- There are 2 burial chambers , one original and one newer , lower and final.
In the latter , nyse discovered a basalt sarcophagus decorated with the typical “ palace “ facade reliefs with its cover broken, containg a wooden sarcophagus and the remains of a mummified body .
Unfortunately, both the beautiful sarcophagus and what might have been the remains of Menkaura were  this is Menkaurelost in 1838 when the Beatrice sank off cathage as she was carring them to England .
The pyramid of Khafre ( chefren)
The boats around the great pyramid