Giza plateau part 5

6- The name “ khufu “ was discovered daubed in red paint on some of the walls and ceiling of the curious internal monument.
7- The tower is strangely reminiscent of the z letter or the back stone of Osiris .

8- Ventilation shafts : 

These 2 ducts on the north and south

Faces the pyramid 
Carry air to the burial chamber.
Khufu pyramid 
Ancient Name : The horizon of khufu 
Original height : 148.31 M 
Current height : 137.75 M 
Length of side : 232.96 M 
Angle : 51 
Burial chambers: 3
The pyramid……> An enigma in stone 
– How were the pyramids built ?
1- Architects , engineers, archaeologists and scholars have expressed their ideas and made their contribution to finding a solution to one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of ancient Egypt.
2- Most certainly, the store was quarried , cut into blocks loaded onto sleds runners , or rollers and dragged to the pyramid construction site .
3- once there arose the problem of how to lift these gigantic stones ? 
The most highly credited theory is now that involving ramps 
Ramps ……..> wide inclined planes , built of mud brick or sand that gradually increased in slope and height as the pyramid went up .
The ramp may have been straight and perpendicular to the pyramid.
4- It took 10 years to make the cause way for the conveyance of the stones It is built of polished stone.
The pyramid it self was 20 years in building and was built in steps .
5- After laying the stones for the base , they raised the remaining stones to their places by means of machines formed of short wooden planks .
6- The first machine raised them from the ground to the top of the first step on this there was another machine which received the stone upon its arrival and conveyed it to the second step .
Whence a third machine advanced it still higher .
Either they had many machines as there were steps in the pyramid.
They had a single machine , which being easily moved was transferred from tier to tier as the stone rose .
Both accounts are given 
Therefore, mention both.

7- The upper Parton of the pyramid was finished first then, the middle and finally the part which was lowest and nearest the ground.

Giza plateau part 3
The function of the pyramid part 7