The boats around the great pyramid

The bark
On which the body of Cheops was transported a long the cause way toward his eternal resting , place .
It may also have a purely religious significance as the salar – bark on which the soul of the dead pharaoh journeyed to join the sun god Ra in his eternal celestial navigation.
The boats around the great pyramid 
1- Around the great pyramid of king Cheops there are 5 pits for boats .
2 One is situated to the north of the mortuary temple.
3- The second one is situated to the south of mortuary temple.
4- The third one is located to the north of the causeway near its upper end .
These 3 pits were empty when they were discovered .
5-  The fourth pit is situated to outside the south east, the enclosure wall of the pyramid containing a dismantled wooden boat .
6- The fifth pit lies to the south west the enclosure wall of the pyramid and the slabs of its roof have not been removed yet.
1- The 4th boat-pit was found by Kamal El Malakh , the boat consisted of 651 elements and 1224 individual pieces of wood, ropes and copper.
2- The smallest piece measures a few centimetres in length and the largest piece measures 23 m in length.
3- The pit measures 33.5 m in length, 5 m in width and 3,5 m in depth.
4- It was covered by 41 large slabs of limestone inscribed with name of king DjedefRe , the successor of king Cheops.
5- this boat 🚣‍♀️ has been reconstructed by Ahmed Youssef and it is now in housed in air – conditional solar boat museum.
6- The boat measures 43m in length, 5.9 m in width and 1.78 m in depth.

7- It has 5 pairs of Oars, it has a pair of steering oar about 6.5 m in length.

8- The boat has a papyri form bow and stern the inner structure of the deck -house, consists of an antechamber and main cabin with 3 columns to support the roof .
9- The boat-pits were situated at the northern side of the tomb to ascend the soul of the deceased to the north side of the sky to be as star among the northern stars , which were known in ancient times the eternity stars .
10- Kamal El Malakh believe that the kings of old kingdom built their boats to help them as dead kings to travel a cross the sky with god Re during the day time and travel with god Atum during the night time .
Kamal El Malakh supported his theory with the existence of the 2 boats -pits of king Cheops.
One in the south- east and the other in the south west of the pyramid and he called them as Solar boats.
Other Egyptologists 
Argue against this Theory and consider all boats around the pyramid as funerary boats used to carry the mummy of the dead king from Memphis to burial place at Giza.
By analysis of the mud it seems that the boat of king Cheops had been used in the Nile.
-Others say ……….. believe…………that…………..
All pits around the pyramid contained boats, some of them were used during the funerary procession while others may be solar boats connected with the spirit of the king in the other life [ his journey with the sun god] 
From this we understand that this magical Theory must be connected with a magical boat . 

Cheops boat
Canopic shrine of Tutankhamun Part 1