The development of the royal tomb from The predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom تطور المقبرة الملكية من قبل الأسرات إلى الدولة الوسطى

The development of the royal tomb from
The predynastic period to the Middle Kingdom 
From the very beginning of the Egyptian history , the people believed in life after the death , so they did their best to preserve their bodies to help 
The soul of the deceased to recognise his body.
As result mummification was invented . Also they made statues to serve as substitutes for their bodies .
1- in the predynastic period 
1- The tomb was an around pit in which the deceased was placed in squating attitude , lying on his right side while the face facing the west where the sun sets ,
2- It was placed in the tomb some of his daily equipment and few funerary objects , such as Jars full of offerings .
2- The kings of the 1- 2 dynasties 
1- better known as archaic period , built their tombs in the form of Mastaba 
2- The Mastaba is arectangular construction, built of mud , brick , similar in the shape to the benches outside the house of the modern Egyptian village .
3- The Mastaba consists of 2 parts , the superstructure which contains several rooms for placing the offerings and the structure in which the burial chamber cut as a big room in the ground surrounded with several rooms for placing, the offerings the 2 parts of the Mastaba were linked together by a shaft which usually cut in the center of the super structure.
4- The kings of the Archaic period used to built to tombs , one at the north in Saqqara and the second in the south at Abydos .
5- The question of where the kings buried whether in the northern tombs or in the southern tombs .
It’s too difficult to say where the kings were buried and which is the real tomb and which is the cenotaph tomb .
1- The kings of the old kingdom [ 3-6 dynasties ] 
2- The kings of the middle ……….[ 12 dynasty ] built their tombs in the form of the pyramid .
-King Zoser 
At the beginning of the 3rd dynasty, king Zoser built his tomb as a Mastaba of square shape .
His genius architect Imhotep developed this shape of the Mastaba into step pyramid through various stages of development.

King Huni 

The pyramids of king Huni at Meidum and the bent pyramid of king sneferu at dahshur are considered as a Turing point from the step pyramid to the true pyramid.

-In the 5th and 6th dynasties 
Pyramids became smaller in size and constructed of small stones and rubble and cased with Tura
limestone such as the pyramids of kings Userkaf – Sahure ……..

The Mastaba of Ti
Giza plateau part 1 هضبة الجيزة