The function of the pyramid part 7

The function of the pyramid 


1- when the pharaoh died , lengthy ritual of embalming and burial began at the temple dwelling of the pharaoh.
2- Once the body had arrived with the procession of sacred boats , the purification ceremonies began at the valley temple and the preparation of the mummy was completed.
3- The principal cermony was the purification by water , comparable to that of the sun , which is reborn every morning from the lake of the lily .
Purified and covered with propitiatory  amulets . 
4- The mummy passed the “ Guardian of threshold “ then began his journey of ascent hidden from profane eyes , through the gallery and reached the upper temple for consecration.
5- As the body proceeded from one columned hall to the next number of initiates and the purified who accompanied him [ consisting of priests and relatives] dwindled .
6- when it reached the large central court only the great initiated and the pharaohs heir continued into the sanctorum of the mortuary temple , where the fundamental ceremony of the opening of the mouth and eyes took place.
7- The royal heir presided over the ritual which opened the communication of the deceased with the after world , in front of 5 chapels , the 5 statues of the god king one for each attribute give to the pharaoh at the time of his royal consecration.
8- officially , reunited with the gods , the deceased was taken through secret ways to the subterranean chapel once sealed , the precious sarcophagus was set among his dearest possessions and treasures , after which the worker , priests retraced their steps closing the marble shutters and obstructing all the passage ways so that no one might disturb the pharaoh as he waited for his final ascent to the sun .
Giza plateau part 6
The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinus