The Great Sphinx

9- The last secret cermony was that of placing the statue of the pharaoh in the serdab , the small bricked cell at the heart of the mortuary temple .
For which the image of the king would see the ceremonies and offerings made in his honour for the rest of time .
Cheops and the stars 
1- Some scholars tell us that Great Gallery of Cheops pyramid was originally an astronomical observatory that the pharaoh only later used as his tomb .
2- This view was shared by a number of 18th century  astronomers.



3- In any event scholars have demonstrated that at the time of construction of the pyramids .


The 2 ventilation shafts of the royal chamber which communicate with the outside were signed with the stars of the ancient sky .


The North shaft ……> with the circumpolar stars in particular Theban .
The south shaft with Orion’s Belt .


The Great Sphinx 
1- The Great Sphinx is a national symbol of Egypt, an integral , and very famous, a part of Khafre’s funeral complex is the great Sphinx .
2- The gigantic crouching lion with a human countenance that may believe reproduces the facial features of the pharaoh. 
3- The word “ Sphinx “ which may come from the egyptian expression “ Shesep ankh “ living image means a sculpture . 
The Arabs gave the strange name of Abu Hal which means the father of terror .
4- The sphinx located south east of the great pyramid of Cheops , is 20 m tall and 57 m long .
The head wearing the typical remes is 6 m heigh .
5- The monument was modelled 4500 years ago from a natural knoll of limestone at Giza , containg rock of 3 different types .


6- in its extraordinary monumentality and mystery the Sphinx half mountain and half crouching , beast is a sculpture unique in all of the Egyptian Art 



Giza plateau part 6
The pyramid of Menkaure Mycerinus